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What Is Spiritual Purging?

Ren January 26, 2022


What does spiritual purging mean? Spiritual purging is a way to get rid of bad energies that are believed to cause negative health and emotional effects on the body. Depending on the tradition, these energies can be called differently, and different processes can carry out the removal or reordering of energies. Usually, spiritual cleansing is performed by a qualified healer in some way, but there are some types of spiritual healing therapies that are based on personal meditation or energy propagation directions skills. 

The success of this type of therapy relies heavily on a belief in underlying philosophy. For example, New Age spiritual cleansing may involve removing general negative energies from the body, while religious cleansing may involve purification of the body of sinful thoughts. The person must obey the spiritual purging protocol of whatever tradition they follow. On the other hand, spiritual purging is meant to affect the spirit only and not the physical realm, so any spiritual purging involving unusual or unknown substances should be viewed with suspicion.

Spiritual Purging Signs

Spiritual purging signs Let's Get Meta

During the cleansing performed by the healer, the person to be cleared often lies down. Then, the healer can somehow work with the energies in the body, directing these energies with their own hands, using talismans, or any other way. Often, the healer is responsible for directing visualization exercises for the patient to help release negative energy.

Personally directed spiritual purging may involve chanting or moving energy, but it is the person’s responsibility to be purified to feel where these energies lie. By meditating or otherwise contemplating, people investigate the source of the disorder and try to fix it. Even when this type of cleaning is performed at home, it is still important to prepare the space. By separating the experience of spiritual purging from everyday life, this process can be more effective.

You can listen to the podcasts to learn more about this topic or other metaphysical changes.

After answering what spiritual purging is, you need to understand in detail how this purging manifests itself. Here are some spiritual purging symptoms:

  • Dreams and illusions disintegrate. The entire past, the happy world turns to dust. Old dreams disappear, illusions are bursting at the seams. If what was built by human consciousness earlier, in the form of dreams, does not concern its true nature, true values, it must leave its life. And sometimes, the collapse of illusions is very painful, but a person returns to their origins thanks to this. These are essential spiritual purging symptoms that allow you to understand yourself and your goals in life better.
  • Disadvantages are revealed. Everything that you thought acceptable or bearable before gnaws and tortures now. All shortcomings and bad habits begin to irritate you more than ever, and you want to get rid of all these. Such an aspiration is a clear sign of the correct movement along the path of spiritual development.
  • Sleep and wakefulness are disrupted. It is very difficult to regulate your life because it does not always depend on the person, especially during spiritual awakening. Energy does not care when to go; it does not know day or night, so a human is forced to respond to energy surges and losses. There is a slow addiction and the ability to master large amounts of energy. These are essential spiritual purging symptoms because they have much more potential than before.
  • Tastes and impressions are changing very quickly. Also, a person does not have time to get used to their emotions. For no apparent reason, bright colors of life and a great mood may suddenly appear, or depression roll in a second. It seems that life, like your own psyche, is uncontrollable.

As you can see, spiritual purging symptoms can be different, and each person can feel them differently. To learn more about metaphysical change, listen to the podcasts.


What are the stages of spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening occurs in several stages. The first stage is the study of the process itself. Next is the beginning of a spiritual journey. After that, the choice of the path begins. Follow the chosen path, and the last is a merge with the path.

How do you get to the next level spiritually?

Begin to study more about metaphysical changes and learn more about spiritual awakening. Continuously study and follow your rituals and practices. Learn to follow your intuition.

How do I know if I’ve had a spiritual awakening?

There are some symptoms of spiritual awakening. You will begin to feel distant; your dreams will change. Sleep patterns may be disrupted, and old fears may begin to worry you. It will be difficult at first, but the more you awaken, the better you understand yourself.

What comes after spiritual awakening?

After a spiritual awakening, you will know yourself better, and you will have a completely different life. You need to remember to turn inward again and understand that harmony begins from within.

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