How To Meditate For Spiritual Awakening In 3 Easy Steps
Meditation is an essential element of the comprehensive transformation process leading to spiritual awakening — a way of connecting the soul to the divine.
The Divine Plan Ren
Everyone has experienced times when their mental, and emotional health and well-being were challenged. Sometimes you can experience emotional pain without any obvious reasons. Oftentimes, physical problems are the result of any suppressed feelings and emotions that start causing pain when they have not been properly released.
A great way to address this pain is through directed prayer requests. Prayers can and will help you on your way to inner healing.
Sometimes there’s no discovered cure for these illnesses yet and turning to a power greater than yourself, such as the angels, ascended masters, and God is the way to proceed. Surrendering to the unknown through faith and prayers for inner healing can bring legions of help to your aid.
Some specific tips will make your prayer even more effective!
On the whole, inner healing prayers to the unseen Divine can come to your aid when nothing else seems to. This is a great option when you suffer from any kind of pain that you can’t overcome on your own. You can find a lot more information on our site!
“Masters & angels, I request you give me all the inner strength I need today. Please help me to have all the courage and strength I need. Thank you with gratitude and full faith” (Vary the request to suit your needs)
Of course! Many of us just haven’t been taught how to interact with, and ask the Divine for assistance. Even if you don’t believe in higher forces, prayers are a great way to get relief of all kinds, because the higher unseens intelligence and help are there, whether we believe it or not.
“Masters & angels, I request you help me to fully heal any emotional trauma I carry from this or past lifetimes. Thank you with gratitude and full faith” Yes – sometimes, it CAN be this easy! Just be humble, ask for help, and be grateful!)
Meditation is an essential element of the comprehensive transformation process leading to spiritual awakening — a way of connecting the soul to the divine.
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