The Attitude Of Gratitude
By experiencing the sincere feeling of gratitude, people can significantly change their lives. Your attitude to life affects it wholly.
The Divine Plan Ren
The statistical research emphasizes that the number of Americans who truly believe in God and supernatural spirits is 90% of the total official population. This figure proves the genuine hope we express in these challenging times. The light of deep belief lives in many hearts, but minds block it.
Once you entrust your inner feelings and intuition, you may enjoy your spiritual awakening benefits. However, when you doubt the supernatural abilities of central natural objects like the sun, moon, stones, and crystals, you refuse to accept the glorious sense of your living.
To realize your spiritual development level, you need to find the answers to questions that could change your life:
The answers to these questions will show you how to see the truth and feel the real taste of life. In this case, when you ask yourself, “How spiritual am I?” you start your spiritual awakening. To clarify the mind transformation choice, you may imagine two pills – blue and red. So, if blue is everyday reality, red is a route to move your mental, emotional and spiritual personality forward to absolute harmony.
To simplify the searching efforts, you may speak about spiritual nature to the experienced masters who can explain how to be spiritual and perhaps, answer the question, “How spiritual are you?”
The spiritual awakening path is challenging at the beginning of this exciting transformation process. To be or not to be spiritually awakened is only your choice and desire. Just visualize two ways as Alpha and Omega or double-colored pills mentioned in the famous movie.
A blue pill is our routine when we do everything typical for our casual schedule and do not think about the genuine truth of our sense of living. Work, family, vacations, meetings with friends, and TV nights become our frames, and we can not focus on essential things.
A red pill is a gate to the spiritually inspired world, where our perceptions enable us to notice even tiny details of the natural processes and events. Ordainable individuals with a third eye catch a truth in all spheres of living – tangible and intangible – and understand this planet’s primary goals and inhabitants. Such knowledge hardly could scare you. Indeed, they make you believe in better times and enjoy every second of your life.
So, if you choose a red pill, your life will be changed dramatically. Your mental, emotional and spiritual horizons will be broader, and your thoughts – more positive.
To check your spiritual level, you may determine a few supernatural evolution criteria for your development identification:
Being spiritually awakened means being free-minded, emotionally and physically healthy, and responsible for this planet as your home. Spirituality is our identity as human beings ready to explore this universe and help others find the truth in the dark reality.
To identify your spiritual development, you need to move through the steps approaching you to the hidden secret of nature laws:
To define your spiritual progress, you do not need to neglect the external help offered by the practicing masters. These adjust your soul searching and move them to the correct way of truth.
A spiritual person is a kind human being with an open heart and readiness to sow the good seeds in this world. Such people do not have any fear and accept all challenges of their lives. They want to help their natives and strangers to see the beauty of each creature of this planet as they do.
Spirituality has similar features acceptable for each person who decides to change their lives and open their heart to the kindest feelings. Taking care of this planet, animals, and other people means being spiritually awakened and improving this world as it is foreseen by nature and God’s will.
To connect spiritually with higher powers and spirits, you may start to do primitive steps:
There is harmony in your body, mind, and soul. Once you teach how to combine these elements and move them into the correct way, you will release your negative emotions and find the genuine truth of your living.
A spiritual message is a sign you might receive when talking to your spiritual guardian or angel. During the various meditations, you could see vital signs or intuition clues that answer the most critical questions.
By experiencing the sincere feeling of gratitude, people can significantly change their lives. Your attitude to life affects it wholly.
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